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The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" Icon_minitimeWed Nov 30, 2011 1:41 pm by indofal

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The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" 313The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" 313The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" 313 
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The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" 313The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" 313The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" 313 
The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" 313The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" 313The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" 313 
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PostSubyek: The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy"   The 24-hour perfectly healthy day: where the mind goes, the body follows - Think Healthy" Icon_minitimeThu Feb 10, 2011 12:30 am

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarokatuh
hallo my friend

Every day
you're bombarded with health advice: how to eat, exercise, take care of your
spirit and nurture positive relationships.

But when your days are so
full as it is, just how are you supposed to fit all of those "must-do's" into
your life -- and still have time simply to enjoy yourself? "A healthy day is not
necessarily the one in which you eat fewer calories or exercise longer. Instead,
it's really about taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and
spiritually," says Mark Stafford, M.D., a physician at the Kirklin Clinic at the
University of Alabama-Birmingham. "Planning one perfect, healthy day will help
you see what changes you need to make in order to bring better nutrition, more
activity and peace of mind into your life on a regular basis."

day's schedule probably looks very different from your typical day, so engage in
some advance planning. Buy the food, schedule the time you need and focus on
accomplishing each of these easy -- and enriching -- tasks. You'll feel better
for it and, we hope, want to incorporate most of these ideas into every day.

6 a.m. Wake up and take a few quiet minutes to reflect on your dreams.
Once you're out of bed, give yourself some energy for your morning workout: Have
a banana and a glass of water.

6:15 a.m. Start your day with 20-30
minutes of moderate- to high-intensity cardio exercise, says Wayne Westcott,
Ph.D., director of fitness at South Shore YMCA in Ouincy, Mass. "Take a walk or,
if the weather isn't good, get on a stationary cycle or treadmill," he says.
This will put you in a good mood while also getting your metabolism going. (If
you're not a morning person, no problem, Stafford says. Use this time to
meditate, and get your cardio workout in later, at 6 p.m.)

1:30 p.m. Who
says you can't have dessert after lunch? Indulge in a healthy Spanish custom:
fruit after a midday meal. Have a cup of red or green grapes and, of course,
lots of water, Vitetta-Miller says.

2 p.m. Take a nap, if possible, or
go outside to enjoy 15 minutes of fresh air. "Your goal is to refresh yourself,
not make up for lost nighttime sleep," Stafford says. According to the National
Sleep Foundation, naps of 15-20 minutes improve alertness, sharpen memory and
reduce symptoms of fatigue.

3:30 p.m. Don't fight your natural urge to
snack. Vitetta-Miller suggests having two slices of sprouted-wheat or
whole-grain bread with 2 tablespoons of apple butter, plus 8 ounces of
calcium-fortified orange juice or 8 ounces of nonfat milk, and more water. This
will help you to stay alert without filling you up before dinner.

p.m. Take another stretch break. Sit in your chair (away from the computer and
out of sight of co-workers) and open your legs as wide as possible, keeping your
knees bent and feet flat on the floor. With your hands on your legs, roll
forward, and bring your head as close to the floor as possible, without letting
your butt come off the chair. Then, gently place your hands on the floor. Hang
this way for 30 seconds to one minute.

5 p.m. Start to decompress and
make plans for tomorrow, so stress is reduced. "That last hour of work is often
a tough one for people," Hammond says. "They're tired and looking forward to
leaving. Instead of thinking that you'll use this time to begin an important
project, use it to organize your office, to get ready for a meeting or to simply
brainstorm if need be." This will reduce the chance that you spend the rest of
the evening worrying about work.

6 p.m. If you didn't do any cardio this
morning, now is a great time for a calorie-burning break. Stop off at the gym on
your way home and get on a treadmill or elliptical trainer for 30 minutes, or if
possible, walk or ride your bike home. If you already did your cardio workout
this morning, take this time to enjoy the satisfaction of performing a single
act of kindness: Write a thank-you note to someone who recently helped you with
even a minor task, or pick out a small, meaningful gift for someone special in
your life.

8 p.m. Time to relax. "You need to make sure you have time to
simply kick back during every day," Hammond says. "This is part of good health.
Your goal shouldn't be to be your own drill sergeant in regard to fitness and
proper nutrition." Take a bath, dance to your favorite CD or write in a journal.

9 p.m. Get ready for tomorrow: "Taking the time to organize for the next
day will reduce your stress level so much," Hammond says. Prepare the snacks and
lunch you want to take with you to work, pack your gym bag, and while you
cleanse your face and brush your teeth, think about what you're going to wear to

9:20 p.m. Connect with someone you love. If you live alone, play
with your pet or call someone. Studies have shown that bonding with others,
including animals, decreases rates of depression and boosts the immune system,
Stafford says.

9:30 p.m. Practice a 20-minute yoga routine, such as P.M.
Yoga for Beginners With Patricia Walden or Power Yoga for Beginners: Flexibility
With Rodney Yee. (Both are available at This will help you
unwind your muscles and relax your body. "Flexibility is a key component of
fitness, and yoga allows you to combine stretching with self-care and
relaxation," Westcott says.

10 p.m. Sleep. Not making time to sleep is
one of the biggest health mistakes a woman can make. It slows the function of
your immune system, can contribute to weight gain and just makes the next day
generally rotten! Get a good night's sleep, and tomorrow start another new,
healthy day.

RELATED ARTICLE: 5 things you should do every day

checklist for your healthy day

Being healthy takes preparation.
Here's what you'll need to get together ahead of time:

* 20-minute yoga

* Yoga mat

* Workout clothes

* Favorite CDs

* Day pass t a gym

* Journal

perfect food day shopping

Be sure to get the following items from the market for a
well-balanced food day:

* Liter water bottle

* Apple


* Bunch of grapes

* Blueberries

* Bag of fresh

* Red onion

* Head of Romaine lettuce

* Fresh
broccoli florets

* Green bell pepper

* Cucumber

* Baby

* Feta cheese

* Walnuts; blanched almonds

Fat-free Italian dressing

* Precooked chicken breast

Whole-grain bread

* Whole-wheat English muffin

* Apple butter,
fruit preserves

* Calcium-fortified orange juice

* Nonfat milk

* Salmon fillet

* Fresh rosemary, thyme, garlic

* Salt
and pepper

* Olive oil

* Brown rice

* Three eggs

* Coffee (optional)

Donna Raskin is a freelance writer in
Gloucester, Mass. Her daily lunch-hour workout is the healthiest part of her

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